Preamble to Final Regulations Recognizes Independent-Contractor Status of Caregivers Relative to Registries
The Preamble, at pp. 112-113,[1] offers the following guidance concerning “registries.”
“With regard to potential misclassification of employees as independent contractors or other non-employees, the Department will continue its efforts to combat such misclassification. As the Department has explained, there is no single test for determining whether an individual is an independent contractor or an employee for purposes of the FLSA. Rather, a number of factors must be considered, including the extent to which the services rendered are an integral part of the principal’s business; the permanency of the relationship; the amount of the alleged contractor’s investment in facilities and equipment; the nature and degree of control exerted by the principal; the alleged contractor’s opportunities for profit and loss; the amount of initiative or judgment required for the success of the contractor; and the degree of independent business organization and operation. See, e.g., Donovan v. Sureway Cleaners, 656 F.2d 1368, 1370 (9th Cir. 1981).
To further illustrate the economic realities test, consider this example:
Example: ABC Company advertises as a “registry” that provides potential direct care workers. The registry conducts a background screening and verifies credentials of potential workers, and assists clients by locating direct care workers who may be able to meet a client’s needs. ABC Company informs Ann, a direct care worker, of the opportunity to work for a potential client. If Ann is interested in the opportunity, she is responsible for contacting the client for more information. Ann is not obligated to pursue this or any other opportunity presented, and she is not prohibited from registering with other referral services or from working directly with clients independent of ABC Company. The registry does not provide any equipment to Ann, and does not supervise or monitor any work Ann performs. ABC Company has no power to terminate Ann’s employment with a client. ABC Company processes Ann’s payroll checks according to information provided by clients, but does not set the pay rate.
In this scenario, Ann is likely not an employee of ABC Company. There is no permanency in the relationship between the registry and Ann. The registry does not provide any equipment or facilities, exercises no control over daily activities, and has no power to hire or fire. Ann is able to accept as many or as few clients as she wishes. The client sets the rate of pay and negotiates directly with Ann about which services will be provided. However, this does not mean that every “registry” will not be an employer. Rather, a fact-specific assessment must be conducted. Indeed, the Department has found registries to be employers under different facts. See, e.g., Wage and Hour Opinion Letter, 1975 WL 40973 (July 31, 1975) (finding a nursing registry to be an employer when the registry maintained a log of assignments showing the shifts worked, established the rate which would be charged, and exercised control over the nurse's behavior and the work schedule).”
[1] 78 Fed. Reg. 60454, 60484 (Oct 1, 2013).