2013 Legislative Updates
DECEMBER 26, 2013 - Save the Date for the 2014 PCA Annual Conference! October 1-3, at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress in Orlando, Florida. Learn more here.
DECEMBER 10, 2013 - As Affordable Care Act Drives Up Cost to Consumers for Obtaining In-Home Care, Registries Emerge as Cost-Effective Option. Download the press release here.
NOVEMBER 2013 - Professional Organizations and the Home Care Industry: Gain Knowledge and Benefit from the Experience of Your Peers. Read the article at: http://www.homecaremag.com/features/make-professional-organizations-work-you
NOVEMBER 1, 2013 - As National Family Caregivers Month Begins, Private Care Association Calls Attention to Growing Nationwide Need for Respite Care. Read the full story here.
SEPTEMBER 4, 2013 - The Private Care Association (PCA) will host its 2013 Annual Conference on Oct. 2-4 at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Hotel in Orlando, Fla. Read the entire press release here.
AUGUST 6, 2013 - As you know we are working hard on behalf of all of our members to bring media attention to the issues we represent. Please disseminate the following news article as widely as possible, through the different options, e.g., "share" "Facebook", website links etc. We want to do all we can to inform the public on this very important issue. Be sure to visit the PCA Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PrivateCareAssociation?ref=hl and share on your personal page. The following is a link to the published article http://washingtonexaminer.com/article/2533602.
AUGUST 6, 2013 - Rapid Growth of Caregiver Services, Inc. Illustrates Value of Registries as Cost-Effective Way for Consumers to Obtain Private Duty Home Care. Click here to read the entire press release
MAY 3, 2013 -The fight to keep the companion exemption in place continues. The good news is that the scheduled repeal date has passed (April 2013) but media coverage, for the most part, has been rather in favor of the repeal. Many members are asking what can they do to help. We ask that you to contact your Congressperson and encourage them to support keeping the companion exemption in place.
Recently, Representative Bill Cassidy's (R-La) office contacted the PCA and indicated that the Congressman would like to sign a joint letter to OMB opposing the proposed changes to the companionship exemption. There is another opportunity for House Members from any state to sign a joint letter to OMB, along with Rep Cassidy. Please contact the PCA as soon as possible if your House Member has expressed an interest in signing a joint letter to OMB, so we can help them connect with Representative Cassidy's office.
APRIL 8, 2013 - U.S. Senators Alexander, Burr, Johanns, Coburn and Cornyn sent a letter to the Obama Administration's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) urge the administration to return the proposed rule that would raise the cost of Companion Care to the Labor Department for "a more accurate analysis." Read the full press release.
APRIL 3, 2013 - Please help us to continue to fight the proposed changes to the Companionship Services Exemption, which would increase the cost of private in-home care by more than $10,000 annually for millions of seniors and disabled individuals throughout the U.S. Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper and encourage the DOL to preserve the overtime portion of the Companion Care Exemption.
February 25, 2013 - The PCA is urging consumers, caregivers and home care advocates to ask Congress to protect access to and the affordability of home care for seniors and disabled individuals. Contact your Congressperson and ask him or her to support proposals that would preserve the Companionship Services Exemption. Visit http://whoismyrepresentative.com to find out who represents you in Congress by searching the database using your zipcode or state.
Learn more by reviewing these "Talking Points" and download our form letter to send to your Congressperson urging him or her to support proposals that would protect the Companionship Services Exemption, including H.R. 5969, the "Ensuring Access to Affordable and Quality Companion Care Act" and H.R. 5970, the "Protecting In-Home Care from Government Intrusion Act." Ask them to reject those proposals that would eliminate or severely narrow the Companionship Services Exemption. Encourage them to keep home care affordable for seniors and disabled adults.
February 19, 2013 - A recent court decision rejected a caregiver's Workers' Compensation claim against a care recipient and held, under the facts at issue in the case, that the care recipient had no such liability - for two separate and independent reasons, namely, because (i) the caregiver was an independent contractor and (ii) the care recipient was not engaged in a trade or business. Read the full story.
January 1, 2013 - Please make sure you RSVP to the PCA "Fly-In" in Washington, DC February 26 - 27th. We encourage you to make travel arrangements and join us for this very important Fly-In. Review more details here, or contact PCA Vice President Amy Natt for additional information: amyn@agingoutreachservices.com. RSVP to membership@www.privatecare.org.